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Behind the Mic: Trucking Around

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

The concept for Trucking Around was very apparent to us... at least six hours in a truck together each weekend caused for a lot of down time. Some editing could be done, but any sort of upload was not an option due to being on the road. We need to give the people more content! We made it a mission to get some mobile recording equipment at a cost effective price and do what we could. Some obstacles presented themselves For instance, how can we make Rod completely hands free so he can safely drive the beast? Would the sound of the truck be too much to overcome and we wouldn’t get any decent sounding audio? As episode one unfolded it became very apparent that we had much to say. There is absolutely no outline for Trucking Around. Unlike Idiots On A Mic, which has a few questions and subtopics that are usually hit throughout the episode, there is no anticipated flow of conversation for Trucking Around. Just the Idiots in their purest form. While the episode format did well in its initial release, it was never intended to be a regular thing. Rod and I work normal full time jobs since we aren’t big time hot shot sellouts in the podcasting industry......yet. Trucking Around was simply intended to be a filler for days we couldn’t provide a livestream or push any content that week. We hope to bring you all further unfiltered content and we will see you on the livestream. Oh and of course.....CHEERS!

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